Monday, July 13, 2009

First Yen Pay...

Today (30th June 2009) i got my first foreign pay slip. Now i have never felt more worthy of my hard earned work.

My first job was working at a call centre. There i sat on my butt n talked all day. Then all the part time jobs that followed were pretty cruisey. Even working at our port melbourne shop i didn't feel this way. Maybe because i had family around me to keep insane.

Here.. I only have one person by my side. This is the first time where my working hours are until 9, and the first time i have to work more that 9 hours on saturdays.

i now feel how mum n dad felt.. And they worked more hours than me... I understand why on some days they are grumpy... Why on some days they get so .. Touchy.. They were working from 7 in the morning till 10 at night. Now which sane person wouldn't go insane after that. *sigh* thinking back at my little tantrums.. I really feel ashamed...

Now.. I will work hard... Not whine all the time... Will try my best not to throw silly little tantrums at mum n dad n nick... I miss them... Will make sure my first japan cheque reaches its full potential when they come to visit.


Unfortunately I still whine.. =P

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